Friday, May 30, 2008

New Parts & etc.

I just installed a new parts called IIC-460 to my 240sx.  This product is discontinued in this point, so I am lucky to have this!
IIC-460 is as Inteligent Ignition Controller 460...I am not sure what is 460 means, tho.

Anyhow, I soldered and set up half way yesterday.  I have to finish sometimes soon. =)

I felt my car was slow for some reason for a couple of events, so I did dyno it.  It seemed like OK when the car is cool enough.  When it gets hot, the power goes down somewhat.  I have to figure out what's wrong w/ it, too.

And we played a bit w/ boost at the same time.  Since I use 1-way valve as a boost controller (?), we added 1 more 1-way valve to it.  The original was 278hp w/ 12.5psi and after adding it was 326hp w/ 17psi.  Wow, but to be safe...just removed extra 1-way valve.  I am not ready to see the engine breaks YET!

Anyhow, have a nice weekend! =)



Anonymous said...

comment no test desu !
i want to see the power with 3
one way valve! 400hp?!

Anonymous said...

3valves made probabaly I need 1.5 additional vales? hahaha