Saturday, December 6, 2008

a new car build starting again. . . .

I'm starting to build a new competition car again !
As you know, we gotta begin with getting rid of unnecessary
stuff that makes a regular car quiet and heavy !!!
Icy COLD !!!
After lots of hammering and scraping...
Gotta be patient !
Taking apart the dash and all the stuff underneith it !
Finally the engine is also out for further mods !!
I think the car is now ready to head to Technosquare in
Torrace for a roll cage fabriation (^0^)/


Annyo said...

It took me a second to realize that Icy Cold was referring to the large white things in the car.

It looked like foam. *^_^*

Why ice?

Anonymous said...

those are dry ice. we use them
to freeze off the tar-like
under-coatings and then hammer it
off with a chizzle when they are
hard. when done right, the
under-coatings comes off nice and

Rob said...

finally the markII!