Thursday, April 2, 2009

New Parts for my car

Introducing my new sponsor, XXR Wheel Thank you very much for your support!!

Darn, they produce more than 2.4 million wheels each year!!! And ONLY 20% out of 2.4 million+ wheels were distributed to the US and 60% distributed to Japan!! WOooooW And left over all over the world.

Anyhow, I went to pick up some wheels from XXR this morning. They are located in Rancho Cucamonga!

Tadaaaaaa! I got 17x9 +20 (new offset!!) & 18x9.5 +35!!

XXR 006 --- They are nice enough to let me paint the spoke if I need!

O, on their website...they are nice enough to use my car as their wheel model! ;)



Anonymous said...


How are you?

You got sponsored by XXR Wheel. That's nice!
Go to gallery on their web,
You may find papa's Subaru too! =)

See you soon!


Annyo said...

Yeah Yoshie!

That is a hot picture of your car on the site!!



Yoshie said...

Mama: ohisa----! Ya, I think papa gushi sponsored by XXR for way back, right? hehe So see you this weekend, right? :)

AnnieC: Thanks! I love the graphic sooo much. :) I am so lucky that have talented friends!!