Taka was helping an event on Sun, so we left @ LA on Sun night...we barely prepared our packing. haha
We stopped every 200-250 miles to fill up the gas. Darng...our pick up eats gas too much! :(
Anywayz, we took I-20...
We drove about 1200 miles into Texas for the first day. Then, another 700 miles on the second day. And left overz on the third day of around 1pm EST., we arrived @ Road Atlanta! Yay.
And...weather in between, we got nice T-storm and...this was the pic from the car. **I am not good @ taking pix, so this is not a cracked window! HAHAHA Or 2nd pic looks better?

And I tried to take a pic of state line...and came up like this...Yes, I am not good @ taking pix #2!!

And...I tried to take a pic of down town...and came up like this...YES, I am horrible @ taking pix!! :( I couldn't believe the stupid green state highway sings were somehow in the middle of the pic.

And...I guess this is the Atlanta Olympic left over...(?)

Anyhow @ venue...
First thing we did was looking for Andy Luk, AKA Dirty Panda, to secure our pit space!
Then, we found out the storm that was following us was on the way to Road Atlanta...Only thing we could do was unload the car and secure everything so that things wouldn't fly away! hahaha
While we were securing things, Taka found that one of the leaf springs on the trailer was broken. :o One of the tires was almost bold because of it...and we were lucky it didn't blow out! 1st unlucky thing.
Since the storm didn't last long, we decided to go look for the leaf spring and misc parts after that. By 8pm, everything was fixed. So we went to the hotel that "Thank you very much, J-Brad AKA Falken Team Manager" booked for us...and we passed out.
Day 2: Practice day...
The practice started around 12 noon. While Taka was preparing for it, I was doing the sticker thingy for the people who contributed for Taka.

Anywayz, Taka looked great @ the practice runs until the starter died. Darng!! 2nd unlucky thing.
After the practice was done, we searched the parts shop...and finally we found 1 place that had the starter for his car. So we were able to fix the issue at that night.
Day 3: Qualify day...
While Taka was waiting in the grid for the first practice run, the mechanic of RMR and Mr. Millen were pointing Taka's car and doing some kinda weird gesture...?!?! Well, sounded like they meant AE86 was leaking the oil. And I guess Taka understood their body language (?), and found out there was a crack on the oil cooler!! Darng x 2, 3rd unlucky thingy.
First of all, Taka was an idiot enough not only forgot to bring the starter, but also forgot to bring oil cooler bypass (dash 10 male-male adaptor)!!
But there were a lot of super wonderful, kind, nice, and cool people in the pit that looked for the adaptor (thank you soooo much for team Apexi, team Falken, and team BOSO) .
O, btw...here is the recommendation from Taka, if you are driving AE86, carry a spare starter or 2! haha And if your car has an oil cooler, carry bypass line just in case. (I guess, everyone needs spare parts anywayz, tho...HAHAHA)
Practice went very well other than Taka killed the starter again the one we just bought last night!!!!!! Darng it! :< 4th unlucky thingy...how much more unlucky thingys continue?!?!
To Be Continued...HAHAHA
Have a nice dream, people! ;)
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