Monday, December 15, 2008

cakes and eating dinner with hands !!!

This is a cafe called Amandine on Wilshire near Santa Monica.
The cake was very goooood, and no wonder because I heard
that the owner is Japanese patisserie !!
Wilshire street is all lit up for the Christmas season !
This night, my friend wanted to eat an Ethiopian food.
And I decided to tag along to this restaurant on Fairfax.
Ethnic interior was kinda intemidating before trying out
the "never ever had before" food...
This is the appetizer combo plate.
It had a fish ball, yum ball, shrimp, another ball,
and a fried banana-like fruit.
To my surprise, all these weren't so bad.
Actually, pretty good indeed !!
My brave friend, who's always up for trying out something new,
is Yosshi~ Toshiking !
Here's him eating like an authentic Ethiopian, wrapping
the entree with the bread-like layer thing.
And yes, the entree plate was also very good !!!
Afterwards, we decided to shoot pool at a pool bar in Pasadena.
And no I don't have three hands.... that's Daijiro's hand with the
pool ball. I called him up because he live about 5min from here !
(Sorry you're out of the frame... Hahaha~!)
Yosshi~ was by far the best pool player amongst us ! He's the hustler !!!



Annyo said...
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Annyo said...

See.. I cant' golf. I am pretty sure it would be an embarrassing scene if I was anything other than a caddy.

Pool is a different game all together!


Sorry for delete -

Anonymous said...

to me golf is waaaay easier than pool. pool requires too much precision and it takes too long when bad players play against each other.... hahaha!!!

Annyo said...

No way! That drive swing (not sure what to call t) is what I dread!! I can see myself missing every time. LoL - wooo embarassing!

I am sure that I will certainly hit the grass though.

With pool the only issue I have is that I am right handed but shoot left handed. ^_~.

Anonymous said...

that's good because in pool, you'd want to be able to shoot both ways, in the right and left handed.
i guess it's all in the practice. i practice golf 10000x times more than pool !

Annyo said...

I wish that were the case. I can barely hold the cue while shooting right handed. Haha...

I spent most of my time in tournaments perfecting the left hand.
I don't play much these days but.. I still have my Meucci in case I get the urge.
