Me & Taka went to the event once before for my Drift 102 S14 shake down...

I haven't driven my competition s14 for a couple of months already, so I am kinda debating if I should drive or not.
Anyway, just in case...(for what??) I went to the local tire shop today to get rid of some small rocks between the wheel and tire that happened @ HTM when I got into the dirt. So sad that my wheel that just was used only twice got sooo scratchy... ;_;

O...BTW, question to everyone. When you staple you staple on the left top or right top??
Well, I have been stapling on the left top for my life...and today, I saw my friend, Mike Kojima, was stapling the documents on the right top @ Technosquare.
**EDIT: I am Japanese born & raised in Japan. Mike is Japanese American born & raised in the US.
Here was our conversations...
Me: Why you staple right top?? I've been stapling left top!!
Mike: We staple right top...and you staple left top because you are a Japanese!
Me: O...OK... (Are you saying I am a F.O.B.?!?! haha)
Of course, it is not important...but now I feel like I made a lot of people "???" when I gave some documents w/ stapling my way. hahaha
It makes perfect sense. Especially if you consider how Japanese and American/European comics are drawn/read.
I always staple left. Though I don't see any real dis-advantage to stapling on the right.
C.B.Leslie: How about...the difference between left-handed & right-handed? I am right-handed, and Mike is left-handed...? Hmmm.
Left top. I think Mike has it backwards. Even the copier at my office staples left top normally. Right top sounds right for Japanese since it's read right to left.
gil: Well...I guess, Mike gave me a wrong info...then. haha
BTW, I am a real (?) Japanese (born & raised)...and Mike is a Japanese American...
And...books, comics, we usually read right to left...but we (Japanses) staple left top... I am more confuzed...
It's because your a drifter, and your brains are all shaken up like a milk shake,
How is that for an answer?
C.B.Leslie: hahaha! At least Milk Shake is yummy! I don't hear any liquid noise on my it might be dried up! :(
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