Tuesday, February 24, 2009

gas tank off & OS Giken LSD

The dirty filthy stock gas tank came off today.
There was a black widow between the tank and the body,
but I managed to get her before she got me !
Trying to decide whether to go fuel cell or not... hmm.
While I was trying to decide on the fuel cell issue,
I worked on to test fit the OS Giken Super Lock LSD
for the IS300.
The stock IS300 diff. Looks like torsen ?
OS Giken on the left, stock on the right.
The ring gear is on the OS unit, so it should all fit
when the side bearings come in.
Maybe the IS300 will be back running by the weekend !!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hiro, what kind of aero are you thinking of putting on the cressida? And what engine?

