Saturday, April 18, 2009

Thank you very much for your support for Taka Aono!

Thank you so very much everyone for your support for Taka Aono to compete East Coast!! I've already got several payments...and I can probably start processing sometimes next week since I would like to open the bank account only for this purpose to receive the payments, so I haven't accepted any payment yet. Please, please, please be patient, and I will update whenever it is done.

As of now...We've received total $405. Thank you sooooo much, everyone!!

I also would like to email whoever sent me the payment for Taka, but it would take a bit to get back to all of you since we have been @ Long Beach Grand Prix usually from 7am to 8pm.

Thank you very much for being patient and generous!



cbleslie said...

Every little bit helps. :) Everyone should chip in~

Yoshie said...

C.B.Leslie: Yes!! We feel sooo much of kindness of people! Thank you very much for your support!! :)