& Taka went to
Inland Drift today.
The temp outside became unbelievably HOT in the day time!!
Welcome, Hot Summer!...not really.

When we got there, our team mate, Hiro, was already instructing Drift 102.
The pic left the student and wife (gf?).

Hiro was showing the student how to do the new technique.

Taka was testing the course w/ my car...looks like he was having fun...

Hey, Taka! You are making huge smokes!! My tires...

my tires...

my tires...

hahaha j/k!

Then Taka drove Mark's car...Taka span out! YES!!!

O, I got new gloves!! I got it size: XXS! This is SFI approved, comfy to wear, and has a great price. You can get them from Tom @ On Track Motorsport (888)805-3435. Check it out!

Taka looked soooo serious...BTW, I dyed his hair...and I am sorry...
I was expecting to see gray-ish color...but ended up somehow became...

Since Taka looked like all serious, I kinda...&$#&%!?

And I saw Steve...OMG!! Look @ his socks!!

Anyway, he was kicking some (a lot?) butts on the course! Great job on the gay-ish socks, girly (gayly?) posing, and driving! HAHAHA

I didn't like the way my car handled after the last suspension Taka did a quick change. Wow, a bit of change made my car handle totally different!! I loved it! Thank you, Taka!

I gave Hiro's student a ride before he left...
I hope he enjoyed 2 days of drifting, Drift 101/102...from east coast.

Thank you very much for the Inland Drift staff! We will be back again!
