Thursday, July 2, 2009

XXR wheels & Taka went to XXR @ Rancho Cucamonga to pick the wheels up for Drift 102 car this morning...Nice to have 2 people to use carpool! And...yeah, I am sleepy, of course.

And nice to have wagon to carry many thingys. The pic in the middle is "will call" gate.

XXR warehouse inside...the place is HUGE! It is just a little part of the warehouse!

AND...I got XXR 513 w/ gun metal @ 15x8 0 offset. Deep & beautiful lip!

Back home...& test fitted. Oooops...on the rear. I hope it will fit w/ tire...

Test fit on the rear...the tire @ 205/60/15 looks soooo HUGE! ...

Remind me of...this?

Me banging...but my almost no to little muscle w/ weird position w/ big hammer didn't do much.
As you know...Taka finished most of left overz.

Anyway....Over all, great to see some aggressiveness!! (Minus size of the tire?)

O...BTW, somehow..."Cucamonga" sounds soooooo funny for me!!  
Don't ask me why...cuz I don't know!!



ross fairfield/deadpirate said...

why does cucamonga sound funny to you yoshie?

Yoshie said...

ross fairfield/deadpirate: It is sooo "Ku-kka-mo-n-gaaaa!" HAHAHAHA!!

cbleslie said...

Wagon needs a wash. :(

Yoshie said...

C.B.Leslie: !! is dirty. I didn't even notice. hahaha