Again, he had the tranny issue for this event. On Thur. after practice, Taka and his crew Robert were disassembling the tranny since he had a difficulty to shift and ended up he couldn't shift to neutral...5th gear synchro (sp?) was broken (split one area). It is kinda rear to see that kinda thingy. This time, he didn't have a spare tranny available, so he was already screwed to begin with, so he made mickey-mouse job to get over the situation.
On Friday practice, seemed like the tranny was somehow we were hoping nothing would happen. BUT, his first qualify run, he couldn't he got 0 score. 2nd run, it seemed to look good...but again, he couldn't shift in the middle of the bumpy section... so his day was over.
Not really enjoyable, but enjoy Taka's 2nd run.
I am really praying for not having mechanical problems that he has been having for 3-4 years!!!!
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