Since I don't really have too much exciting things to post on my daily life or car things...I will post some of the thing happening @ Technosquare. of our great customers & friend, Viet (Beautiful FX35 owner), got his short block from Cosworth!! (O, he'd already got an engine head from Cosworth, too!!) Darng, sooooo bling bling!!
Viet was sooo excited!! hahaha (Right: Owner, Viet & Left: his friend, Martin)

Yes, the short block had soo much protection that needed to cut them out!!
Welcome to Technosquare, baby! ;)

hahaha Viet was still taking the pix! A happy boy for the day!
(Sorry, I am not good @ taking pix!!)

Howard, He is our famous engine/tranny/ring&pinion/whatsoever builder @ Technosquare.
He will put together all as always & install into Viet FX35 later!

Will see...

It's like Christmas!
C.B.Leslie...hahaha Something like that, but from him to
Maybe I just like opening things.
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