Friday, March 13, 2009

@ My Work #3

Darng!! It was sooo quick! The Viet engine is already into his FX35!!
Even, the owner is helping to make it done faster...

Here is the engine bay!! Beautiful.
O, on the lower right corner...that's Viet arm...Nice muscle!! hahaha

"Hey, Look @ me, guys!! I am taking pix!!" hahaha
(Left: Our famous fabricator & installater, Richey & Right: Car Owner, Viet...again)

And...I have a bad news for me...sooooo sad!

I got a fix ticket from LA police on the way to go to work today...Sucks. :(

So...the ticket shows "Modified Exhaust"...O well... :(



cbleslie said...

Damn fix-it tickets. I hope you have someone to help you "Pass" it.

Anonymous said...

C.B.Leslie...At least, I have more than 1 month to think about what to do for the ticket...hahaha