Before talking about last weekend...I need to "SHOW OFF" the article for Formula D Las Vegas @
Motor Mavens by

Antonio takes really nice photos & writes great and fun articles. He wrote about Taka as,
"This AE86 is such an inspiring car, piloted by an inspiring driver. Taka Aono broke his leg last month. Literally, his bone was pretty much chopped in half when he crashed at Formula D Seattle.

(partially Omitted) (中略)
He is so dedicated to the Formula Drift Series that he actually had some metal braces installed in his leg while his car was getting fixed at the body shop. Taka has never missed a Formula D event EVER. He was not about to let even something major (like a broken bone in his leg) stop him from drifting at Formula D Las Vegas. Taka is just crazy. That is some insane dedication though!"

(partially Omitted) (中略)
Honestly, I don’t know how he did it… but Taka turned a disability into drift-ability..."
Thank you very much for the great comment, Antonio!! 
アントニオ、ナイスなコメントをありがとーーーー♪On the other hand, this was a BAD/SAD one...Our good friend,
Alex P's helmet was stolen during the event.
Antonio wrote on that article as, "
Hey thieves, are you really going to wear that helmet? That’s pretty gross, man. Wearing someone else’s helmet is like wearing someone else’s underwear or something… unless you actually like the idea of having someone else’s sweat pressed all up on your face."
Totally agreed!!

Motor Mavens is fun to read!
So...on Sat., Taka & me were invited to the
LA Talk Radio Station.
で。。。先週の土曜日、たかさんと私はLA Talk Radio と言うライブのラジオショーにお呼ばれされました。
Of course, I was gonna take some pix during the show, but unfortunately there was a sticker said "NO CAMERA!"
Originally, we suppose to go on July 17th, 1 week after Formula D @ Seattle event. As you know,
Taka broke his leg...and we couldn't make it that day. We were/are very sorry for last mins. cancellation.

Hard Knocks is the name of show...and
Brian was one of our students for Drift 101/102.
| Show Summary & Guests | |
Saturday, September 18, 2010 | Taka Aono and Yoshi drifted in to the studio to talk about the fast growing Technical sport of Formula D Drifting..Taka talked about the Flying 86 car he drives in competition and How dangerous The sport can be , which led to a recent broken Leg. Join us for laughs, giggles and Formula D Drifting.. |
If you have time to listen, please
Click here 
お時間あったら聞いてみてください。 ぽちっと↑

Pic. after the show...Avery family has very good-looking genes!!!
(Left: Rick, Second Left: Mike, Second Right: Brian, Right: Taka)
We got souvenirs --- hat (cap?) & T-shirt.

Time flew so quick...and we had a great time there. Thank you for inviting us!
On Sun., we went to
Hiro's Auto Repair @ Costa Mesa to do the alignment for Taka's AE86.

Taka and Ken (Scion/RS-R)'s cars...

Owner, Koji, is setting the alignment machine.

While Koji was doing the alignment for Taka's car, John from
RS-R was working on Ken (Scion/RS-R)'s Car. John was telling me not to post the pic, but o well.


After the alignment...looking at the numbers. Taka had locked-up the steering issues @ Las Vegas & Sonoma, but this should solve the problem.