Drift School USA: 3-Day Course

Venue info: Please click HERE for more details.

3-Day Drift Intensive Course: Up to 3rd gear

(Formally called Drift 101, 102, and 103...but all classes are instructed by Drift School USA)

Day 1: An intensive basic maneuver lesson, and you will learn necessary basic steering work, gas control, how to use e-brake (possibly in Day 2) in 1st gear.

Day 2: Review on Day 1, advance skill of Day 1 and "basic drifting skills" up to 2nd gear.

Day 3: Review on Day 2 and "advance drifting skills" up to 3rd gear.

*Class size is ONLY 1 student / day
*Instructed by Pro Drifter & former Pro Drifter

1 comment:

frenche1066 said...

My son johnny has been doin drifting for a little while now I am his father I would like to know how much the 3 day course is call frenchie on 321 377-4040 we in Florida he has an s14 with a Sr20 det motor in it could he usr his or does he use urs