Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pit Report w/ Team Megan Racing Formula D @ Las Vegas (w/ Japanese Translation)

So...after top 32 tandem on Sat., I started taking pix for the blog...Of course, most likely not that great!
で・・・たかさんの追走が終わった後、ブログ用写真を取り始めたんだ けど・・・とーぜん、ひっどいモノがいっぱい取れるに違いない・・・てか、違いなかった。(笑)

I heard Calvin (owner) from Megan Racing, our sponsor came...but didn't get a chance to see him.
私たちのスポンサーのメーガ ン・レーシングのオーナーのカルビンが来てたらしいんだけど、会えなかったんだよね。

Thank you, Calvin & Megan Racing for the support!
ありがと~~~、お世話になってます&お世話になります ♪カルビン&メーガンレーシング!

Cool...Our sponsor, V-LEDS lights everywhere!
カッ コいいぢゃん、こちらもスポンサー。V-LEDSのライトぴかぴか。

Taka autographing & giving out the poster!

Taka and team mate, Cyrus were throwing give-away sponsor T-shirt @ the pit.
た かさんとチームメートのサイラスがTシャツをお客さんに投げつけて配ってます。

Taka: Who wants Nexen T-shirt???
た かさん:ネクサンTシャツほしい人~~~???

All the pix I took were so blurry, but somehow...I got a good flying T-shirt pic that I didn't even plan to take.

Will (Left) & Ellie (Right)
Ellie was selling Taka stickers for us. She is really a good sales person!! Thank you, Ellie!
Will was giving out freeNexen stickers & Taka's posters.
エ リちゃん、うちらの為に一生懸命たかハチロクステッカーを売ってくれました。てか、めっちゃ売るの上手い!ありがと~~~、エリちゃん♪
ウィルは ネクサンステッカーとたかさんのポスターを配ってくれました。

Will @ a camera glance while Ellie was selling seriously!
てか、エリちゃんが一生懸命売っ てる間、ウィルってばもろカメラ目線!

I took a lot of pix...but most didn't come out good at all...as usual. Sorry...
たくさん写真撮っては見たものの・・・やっぱしいつもどーりイケ てないのが多かった。ごめんなさい・・・。

After a while, I heard some exploding sound from drug strip.
Of course, my curiosity won.
ちょっと したら爆発音が隣のドラッグストリップから聞こえてきたもんだから、とーぜん野次馬しに行きました。

Jet engine w/ poor car explosion.
多分、ジェットエンジン発射!後ろのかわいそーな車どっかん、ぼーぼー萌 え 燃え。

Poor car burnt...

I came back to pit...and Robert, our mechanic, was pretending someone in our team mate.

Robert: "Guess who wears the tight shirt...showing off muscle...w/ cigarette?"
ロ バート: 「ぴちぴちタンクとか着て、タバコ吸いながら筋肉ムキムキ見せびらかしてるのだーれだ??」

This one! Our team manager, Naoki!!
こ の人!うちのチーム・マネージャーのなおき君でした。

Taka & me came back safe...even though we stuck in pretty bad traffic and took us get home about 8-9 hours!!
ひっどい渋滞に何度も引っかかっていつもの倍くらい時間かかったけど、たかさんと私は無事LAに戻ってこれま した。。。


Monday, August 23, 2010

Event report Formula D @ Las Vegas (w/ Japanese Translation)

So...Taka & me drove to Las Vegas on Wed. night after my work.
で・・・ たかさんと私は水曜の夜ベガスに出発♪でした。

Our team manager, Naoki made a poster for Taka...and it was looking great!
Taka was inside of the trailer...w/out AC, so he looked pretty...whatever.
チームマネージャーのなおき君が、たかさんの為にポスター作ってくれました。かっこい いでしょ?

Then...we looked for Andy Luk, Formula D official, to get approved to run the event.
その後、フォーミュラDのオフィシャル のアンディー・ラック発見。今回走らせてくれるかどうかは彼の判断に掛かってたんだよね。

The pic looked like...

Andy: Did you say you want to run??? NO WAY!!

haha, no...Andy had no problem letting Taka drive @ "do NOT overdo"-ish condition. Andy was more worried about Taka if this event affects rest of his year...Thank you, Andy!
そんな事ないよ。アンディーはこのイベント走って今後に響く事を凄く心配してくれ てたけど、無理しないでねって言う条件でOKしてくれました。ありがとぅ~、アンディー♪

O, BTW...Taka walks w/out crutches now with a limp most of the time...so now he is disable half-able?
あ・・・ところで、たかさんずっと松葉杖なしで歩き回ってたんだけど・・・今は十分障害者 半健常者?

Taka wanted to walk around everywhere including crowded area by himself, so I was soooo worried about "tripping, falling down, and snapping" kinda situation.
たかさん、ちょっと歩けるようになったからって一人でびっこ引き引き人ごみの中とかに行ってしま う。とーぜん私は「つまづいてコケてグキっ」って言う心配する。

We went to Walmart @ Las Vegas...and saw that kinda mobile cart there. I should have taken (how?) from there and made him drive. HAHAHA But it is safer...and less worry...and funny & cute if Taka rides that!
うちらがウォルマートに行った時に写真みたいな電動カートがあったんだけど・・・ぱくってきて (どーやって?)たかさんに運転させたかったかも。(笑)安全だし、心配しなくて良いし、たかさんが乗ってる姿自体、想像すると笑える。結構かわいいか も。

Anywayz, Taka qualified top 32 on Fri.!! Well, sad news was...he was against Dai...
とにかく・・・たかさん、金曜日の予選は無事通過しました。でも・・・悲しいかな、相手はダイ ちゃん。

Sexy butts. While I was @ spotter station on Fri...I got bored in-between the runs.

誰 のかって?

Ali...video-er (?) of DA. I hope he doesn't mind posting these pix...

On Sat...the practice started from 4pm...OMG, it was hot!! But it was much cooler @ tandem time. The sun was really bright that I couldn't see anything on my camera.
土曜日・・・練習が午後4時からあって・・・あづがったーーー。(汗)追走が始まってから は若干ましになったけど。直射西日にやられてカメラの画面全然見えず何撮ってるんだか良くわからなかったんだけど努力はしたョ。

Tandem run #1 Taka - follow. Enjoy!

Tandem run #2 Taka - lead. Enjoy x 2!

Sadly, Taka didn't make to top 16...
I just noticed all the top 16s had either v8 or rotary equipped vehicles...
でも、良く見たらv8かロータリーの車 しか残ってなかったし・・・。

And...Thank you very much for all the people who supported Taka @ event!
そんでもって・・・たかさんを応援してくれた人々、ホントにありがと う~~♪


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Taka @ Doctor Check-Up (w/ Japanese Translation)

So...Taka & me went to Dr. Plut office for check-up today.

Taka was required to have a Doctor's note if he could run @ Las Vegas event from Formula D official, Dirty Panda  Andy Luk. Andy is one of the hard workers w/ good heart...and he is always helping us the best. 

So...while we were waiting @ usual counseling (?) room, this time...we found a pelvis bone model thingy on the table.

The bone stays like that way...I guess? (Where are you looking at, Taka??) 

After a while, x-ray was taken by Dr.'s assistant, Byron...and we waited for Dr. Plut...what he would say about coming back to competition. BTW, Taka can walk w/out crutches now. 

Taka likes R-rated yucky pix series on his own...It is really healing inside out! Kinda clean, hu? 

Dr. was looking @ Taka's x-ray seriously for a while...then examined Taka...

Dr. said, "looking good" kinda thingy after the check-up and signed note that Taka could run the competition! YAY!!   Thank you, Dr. Plut. 

O, BTW...Taka has a bump in his forehead...not that I punched him so bad. 

Taka is getting annoyed by it...so asking if Dr. knows some good surgeons for that thingy...

Dr. Plut said, "Well, it is easy to remove, but if you do...people don't recognize you..." 

Dr. Plut is a friendly & fun person. 

See you @ next visit! 



Justin (JTP) (w/ Japanese Translation)

Taka & my good friend, Justin (JTP) came to Technosquare for his business today.

He was good looking to begin w...but somehow he became happy chubby a while ago. Now he got great shape again!

Whenever Justin came to Technosquare after Taka broke his leg, he always cared how Taka was...and hoping for Taka to run Formula D @ Las Vegas.

Anyway...interview w/ Justin. Enjoy! I don't even understand what I was saying, so please guess!

Next post will be...MOMENT OF TRUTH if Taka can run Las Vegas event! 

Last Minutes Preparation (w/ Japanese Translation)

So...I went to M2 after work @ Technosquare to finished up undone "The Flying 86" stickers.

In the middle of the sticker job, Taka & Naoki decided to load the car to the trailer...Of course, Taka was driving his AE86!!

After the loading, Taka told me to take pix...BUT inside of the trailer was really dark so that I wasn't sure where to point my camera.

Yoshie Shot 1: ??? O...I guess, I forgot to add "Flash" thingy...I didn't change "auto" mode from last time, tho. 

Yoshie Shot 2: I added "Night Eye Flash (?)" thingy...
よしえ 2枚目:赤目防止フラッシュ・・・だと思うけど・・・あれ?

So...Taka took my camera and started playing...

Taka Shot 1: Inside the trailer was so dark...so it was difficult to scale the distance! 
たかさん 1枚目:トレーラーの中真っ暗だからやっぱり距離感がつかめない・・・。

Taka Shot 2: Too close this time. 
たかさん 2枚目:近すぎた・・・。

Taka Shot 3: YES, finally! 
たかさん 3枚目:おぉ、成功!

And after a while, I finished sticker thingys like 11pm-ish.

Taka's Dr.'s appointment is 18th...will see if he can run Rd. 5....
